Walk with Joe as you proudly take part in this Canadian grassroots movement! Joe Roberts, former homeless youth turned successful entrepreneur is paying it forward by pushing a shopping cart 9000 km across Canada to raise awareness and funds to prevent youth homelessness.
By the time The Push for Change arrives in Winnipeg, Joe will have shared his personal story of transformation with a million Canadians at over 300 events.
April 20, 2017 will be day 355 of the 517 day trek and
Joe will have already pushed the shopping cart 6,509 km!
100% of funds raised support: The Push for Change + RaY, Resource Assistance for Youth Inc.
Event hosted by: End Homelessness Winnipeg!
WHEN: Thur, April 20, 2017 | 1:00pm – 3:00pm | Rally 1:00pm
2.3 km walk 1:20-1:50pm | Hear Joe’s message 2:00-3:00pm
WHERE: Rally/Start Point:
University of Winnipeg 515 Portage Avenue,
End: Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY) 125 Sherbrook Street
WHY: To raise awareness and funds to support the end of youth homelessness
HOW: Raise a minimum of $50* as an individual or create a team of
friends, family and co-workers. *suggested minimum
About RaY is a non-profit street-level agency working with street-entrenched and homeless
youth under the age of 30. RaY is non-judgmental and non-partisan, employing a harm reduction approach to all interactions with youth in need. Their programs and services are tailored to support young people in their path towards independence, and offer assistance every step of the way.