HOCKEY Challenge- Law Enforcement VS Lambton College Students. The PFC Hockey Challenge will immediately follow the Sarnia Sting Junior A Home Hockey Game.Immediately after the Jr A hockey game, the lights will dim and Joe’s video will be played on the multi-screen monitor above the ice surface.
This will allow maximum attendance.
Then, a five minute warm up for our charity game will precede the actual game.
Don Van Massenhoven will be one of the referee’s .
The involved organizations will sell tickets to the Junior A hockey game and receive $6 per ticket towards the selected charity
Coats, toques, boots and gloves to be collected before the Jr A hockey game to the end of the PFC event (hoping to have the local Optimist take on this task)
Lambton College and the Sarnia Sting have recently signed a “working agreement” between their organizations.
All three organizations have secured media contacts within the community
Invitations to WRHQ and GHQ will be sent out